Cogswell Benevolent Trust

Established in 1929 under the will of Leander A. Cogswell

One Man's Legacy

Leander A. Cogswell was born in Henniker, NH on March 4, 1864 to David Warren and Eliza (Sawyer) Cogswell.  He spent most of his life, starting at an early age, in the shoe business in Manchester.

Mill Buildings - Manchester, NH

He was a lifelong resident of Henniker where...


Grants Supporting

  • 501(c)(3) organizations
    Valid, tax-exempt organizations regardless of purpose
  • Non-profits
    Non-profit or not-for-profit entities that have a charitable or educational purpose
  • Public Agencies
    Educational, religious, fraternal organizations that serve the public without restrictions
  • Other Charitable Institutions
    Any organization that has as its primary objective to offer aid, assistance, education, or the betterment of public resources